Audio book 50% off through April 1

Enjoy Where Home Is – 3rd book of the Laramie Series – for just $10. Less than the cost of the paperback! So much to enjoy ~ Just follow the link:

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Find a favorite – here’s hoping that would include me – at

The best Regency books that showcase women who have more on their minds than romance
You’ll find me at, a new website for the bibliophile. Books, books, and more books to explore. Find a favorite. Investigate a topic. Read what authors are reading. (And don’t forget to look for me, my Regency recommendations, and my Penwarrens series)

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Reading Up a Storm

I’ve been reading all summer, one book after another, taking the recommendations of strangers and suggestions from publishers. Yesterday I picked up ten ‘holds’ from the library and once home, going through the stack was like opening a box of chocolates. It’s the trade off for not writing a single creative word for months, I guess. My top three books that come to mind from the last 12 weeks: “Three Things About Elsie,” “The Woman in the Library,” “Grave Reservations.” I’m always on the hunt for the perfect combination of story and style. What about you? Do you have a couple of books you read this summer that you really enjoyed?

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Fresh New Postings

Hi, all! While doing a little maintenance, we have chosen to start fresh on the blog. There may be a time when we update the archive, but the previous posts are no longer live. Happy future reading!

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